
Netherlands Bicycle Partnership
In this regards we have initiated the Netherlands Bicycle Partnership in 2015.
The NBP is a Dutch based international operating consortium including private parties, public institution (Municipalities The Hague and Amsterdam) and Knowledge institution (University of Amsterdam) in the field of sustainable mobility in large cities. It has a focus on the bicycle as a relevant mode of transport in the urban environment. The NBP has developed an integrated strategy for a sucesfull introduction of cycling as a daily mode of transport in cities. At the same time the NBP is working in a close cooperation with the relevant local stake holders (Municipalities, Private companies and knowledge institutions) aiming a transfer of knowledge and experience through a capacity building approach. The NBP partners are affiliated with the Dutch Cycling Embassy.

Renewable energy partner
In the field of renewable energy we have a partnership with Partners for Innovation.

Sustainable mobility partners
Sustainanable Solutions is member of
The Dutch Cycling Embassy
Start To Meet Amsterdam

international partners
Sustainanable Solutions is partnering with the following organisations:
